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  1. **需求对接**:缘通租赁的客户经理与云浮科创园负责人进行了深入沟通,明确了会议规模、场地布局及具体需求,确保提供的设备能够精准覆盖整个会场。

  2. **设备选型与配置**:根据会议室的面积、结构特点,缘通租赁精选了高效能、低辐射的手机屏蔽器,并配置了足够数量的设备以确保全面覆盖。

  3. **现场安装与调试**:在会议前一天,缘通租赁的专业技术人员提前到达现场,进行了设备的安装调试工作,确保设备在会议开始前能够正常运行。同时,还对会场工作人员进行了简短的操作培训,以便在需要时能够自主调节设备。

  4. **会议期间保障**:会议期间,缘通租赁安排了技术人员现场待命,随时准备应对可能出现的突发情况,确保会议顺利进行。






  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Blocker Rental in Yunfu, Guangdong Province**

  In todays rapidly evolving society, information security and meeting order have become paramount concerns for various enterprises and institutions. Recently, a renowned high-tech enterprise in Yunfu, Guangdong Province – Yunfu Innovation Park, encountered challenges during the preparation of a high-profile technology exchange conference. To ensure the smooth proceeding of the event, Yunfu Innovation Park opted for the short-term rental service of mobile phone signal blockers from Yuantong Leasing, a decision that not only effectively addressed the issues but also garnered widespread praise from participants and organizers.

  **Background and Challenges**

  Yunfu Innovation Park, a benchmark for regional technological innovation, frequently hosts various industry exchange conferences, attracting numerous experts, scholars, and business representatives. During the preparation of this technology exchange conference, aimed at sharing cutting-edge scientific achievements and fostering industry-academia-research integration, the organizers realized that widespread smartphone usage posed potential risks of information leakage and frequent interruptions that could disrupt the flow of presentations.

  **Solution: Mobile Phone Signal Blockers from Yuantong Leasing**

  Faced with these challenges, Yunfu Innovation Park took proactive measures and selected Yuantong Leasing as its partner. Known for its professional equipment, flexible rental plans, and exceptional service, Yuantong Leasing won the trust of the client. Tailoring a customized rental solution for Yunfu Innovation Parks specific needs, Yuantong Leasing provided a one-stop solution encompassing equipment selection, on-site installation, operational training, and post-event recovery.

  **Implementation Process and Details**

  1. **Needs Assessment**: Yuantong Leasings


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